
Stephanie Ike Okafor

Stephanie Ike Okafor is a dynamic leader paving new grounds for how faith is engaged in today’s culture.

Known for her ability to communicate with diverse audiences in a way that’s conversational, relaxed, and sometimes comedic, Stephanie is a notable author, pastor, and talk show host who aims to deliver a message of audacious faith, renewed hope, and God’s unconditional love.

Her desire to spread the gospel was ignited at the early age of nine, when a divine encounter changed her perspective of God. Under the leadership of Pastors Touré Roberts and Sarah Jakes Roberts, Stephanie serves as the Executive Pastor of The Potter’s House at One LA in Los Angeles, California.

Her love for God transcends across various platforms, but no matter where she speaks, she has one goal for those listening: to seek after Him, to know that He’s real and understand their identity in Him.

In 2015, she penned her first book, “Moving Forward: Biblical Teachings for Walking in Purpose,” where she thoughtfully delivers the framework on breaking free from stagnancy using Biblical truths. Her sophomore book is underway.

Standing boldly at the intersection of faith and culture, Stephanie is the host and producer of the digital talk show and podcast series, The Same Room. The game-changing platform is breaking the mold of religion through unconventional conversations that represent the truth of Jesus Christ. At her core, Stephanie is committed to seeing a generation that really knows Jesus.


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